Insecticides eradicate plant pests

Pests under control

Hold back weeds that grow from the root

Protecting plants

Plants look fresher
INSECTICIDE is chemicals are poison used to kill insects , an insecticide can influence growth, the development of breeding, health and the activities of insects strips other plants, In addition an insecticide can also stimulate and set up plant growth but not including the fertilizer.

Systemic Insektiside after grown shaped…
Insecticides contact and stomach poison shaped light yellow….
Contact and stomach poison insecticides emulsifiable concentrates..
Contact and stomach poison insecticides, concentrates shaped….
Contact and stomach poison insecticide concentrates shaped…
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
Contact and stomach poison insecticides emulsifiable concentr…
Contact and stomach poison insecticide-shaped yellow…
Insecticides contact poison, stomach, and systemic form….
Contact and stomach poison insecticides shaped emulsifia…
Insecticides / Nematisida systemic, granular purple,…
Contact and stomach poison insecticide-shaped yellowish…
Insecticides can be suspended in the form of flour and white…
Contact and stomach poison insecticides emulsifiable concentrates…
Contact and stomach poison insecticides shaped emulsifiable…
Insecticides contact poison, stomach systemic form of….
Insecticides contact poison, stomach, and systemic form…
Systemic insecticides shaped white flour that can be dissolved
Contact and gastric poison insecticides are concentrated in water,
brown to control stem borer and brown planthopper pests

contact systemic and gastric systemic insecticides in the form of brick red granules to control seed flies in soybean plants
effective control of pests with low doses and power to kill fast
Contact and gastric poison insecticides in the form of concentrates that can be dissolved in water to control leaf slaughter pests in potato plants and pests and aphids on chili plants
Contact and gastric poison insecticides are concentrated in water to control armyworms on chili plants

systemic granular insecticides, to control pests in chili, soybean and rice plants
contact and gastric poison insecticides in the form of yellow concentrates which can dissolve in water to control fruit-sucking pests in cocoa plants, destroy pods and pod borers in soybean plants
Contact and gastric poison insecticides are yellow concentrates that dissolve in water to control pests in potato plants
Contact and gastric poison insecticides are concentrated in water, to control pests and aphids in chili plants
Contact and gastric poison insecticides are concentrated in water, to control pests and aphids in chili plants
Contact and gastric poison insecticides are concentrated which can dissolve in water, to control leaf slitting on shallot plants
Contact and gastric poison insecticides are concentrated in water, to control armyworm pests on chili plants
Contact and gastric poison insecticides are concentrated in water, to control brown plant hopper and armyworm pests in rice, chili and soybean plants
Contact and gastric poison insecticides are concentrated in water, to control the lice and thrips leaves on chili plants
systemic insecticides, contact and stomach poisons in the form of purple granules to control pests in chillies and rice
systemic insecticides in the form of white suspension concentrations with contact and stomach toxins to control pests in rice and rice fields
poison and gastric insecticides in the form of yellow colored concentrates that can dissolve in water to control pests in onion, chili, corn, cotton, soybean and tea plants
Contact and gastric poison insecticides in the form of yellow concentrates that can dissolve in water to control fruit-sucking pests in cocoa plants
contact and gastric poison insecticides, in the form of light yellow concentrates that can dissolve in water to control aphids and citrus plants
contact and gastric poison insecticides, which are water-soluble, brown in color to control leaf-bending pod borer and pods on soybean plants
Contact and gastric poison insecticides in the form of yellow concentrates that can dissolve in water to control fruit-sucking pests in cocoa plants
Contact and gastric poison insecticides in the form of yellow concentrates that can dissolve in water to control fruit-sucking pests in cocoa plants