Herbicide Control

Combating weeds that stubbornly

Hold back weeds that grow from the root

Protecting plants

Plants look fresher
Paraquat Dichloride 135 g/l | RI. 01030120175845
Systemic herbicide after grown shaped of a solution in water golden yellow to prevent broadleaf weeds such as Ageratum conyzoides, Mikania micrantha M. affine, Borreria alata and narrow-leaved weeds Axonopus compressus.

Instructions for Use
1 | AGRONIL 75 WP | Klorotalonil 75% | RI. 01020120114105 | PT. Sari Kresna Kimia |
2 | ALTERNA 90 WP | Ziram 90% | RI. 01020120011605 | PT. Sari Kresna Kimia |
3 | ANTILA 80 WP | Mankozeb 80% | RI. 01020120031738 | PT. Kresna Bumitama Sejati |
4 | BELVO 80 WG | Sulfur 80% | RI. 01020120093318 | PT. Sari Kresna Kimia |
5 | CONASOL 50 SC | Heksaconazol 50 g/l | RI. 01020120042059 | PT. Sari Kresna Kimia |
6 | CUPROCIDE 77 WP | Tembaga Hidroksida 77% | RI. 01020120113956 | PT. Sari Kresna Kimia |
7 | CYMOXIL 50 WP | Simoksanil 50 % | RI. 01020120103826 | PT. Sari Kresna Kimia |
8 | GROWNIL 75 WP | Klorotalonil 75% | RI. 01020120041989 | PT. Fortuna Mulia Sejati |